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Preparing For Your Procedure

Having a medical procedure is a serious event, so we want you to be as well prepared for it as possible.  Please follow these simple steps before your procedure:


1. You must arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home after your discharge from the surgery center. You may not leave the facility unless you are accompanied by a responsible adult. Arrange for a responsible adult to be with you during the first 24 hours after your procedure for your protection and safety. You will be given written instructions for your care at home before leaving the surgery center.

2. If there is any change in your physical condition, such as a cold or fever, please notify your doctor immediately.


3. Do not eat or drink anything, including water or gum, after midnight the night before your procedure unless otherwise instructed. Refrain from smoking the night before your procedure. Take your regular medications with a small sip of water unless directed otherwise by your doctor. Bring a list of your medications with you. You may brush your teeth, but do not swallow any water.

4. As a courtesy to our patients and their families, please do not have any children under age 13 years in the waiting room during your procedure. Young children are also not allowed in the recovery room.

5. You can expect a Surgery Center Nurse to call you the day before your procedure. If you did not speak to a Surgery Center Nurse by 4pm day before your procedure, or if you have any questions, please call us at (510) 456-4600.

6. Your scheduled procedure time is an estimate only. We will make every attempt to meet this estimated appointment time. However, due to the individualized nature of health care, schedule variations may occur. Please make sure that we have a phone number where you can be reached on the day of your procedure if we need to contact you to adjust your appointment time.

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